Saturday, July 16, 2022

Decorating The Music Studio

My music studio is just a little cut out in the corner of the living room.  On my very first visit to Hancocks as a Paducan I bought a music-themed fabric panel to adorn said corner.  It's been hanging on the wall with push pins since February. 
It is finally quilted, bound and hanging properly.  It looks so much nicer!

Last night, while listening to my fellow ukulele players take turns playing songs about change*, I finished the binding.


It's a fun way to bind!  My new goal is to have something to bind every week....well, maybe not EVERY week.

Impulse buy:  The music panel backing required a trip to Hancocks.  While there I impulsively picked up a doo-dad that I thought might be helpful, ToolTron Attachable Thumb/Finger Magnifier.

My review of this product..... Save your money.  

The lens just cannot be positioned in any way to see the stitching you are doing...
the little thumb ring is not big enough and pinches your thumb.  And, the lens had a big scratch on it, right from the package.  Thankfully Hancocks gave me a store credit (nearly $7.00) so I guess I'm happy.....


One finish down and another wall-panel-finish to go.





*Ukulele Jam every Friday night via Zoom.  There is always a theme and we take turns entertaining each other.  My songs last night were "I'm in the Jail House Now" 
(If I went to Jail, that would most certainly be a change, in my life eh?) and Love Letters in the old song about love and loss...most of us have experienced that life change.


  1. I love your little music quilt, Char! I know you play the ukelele; do you also play the banjo??

    1. It's a ukulele that looks and sounds like a banjo (but only 4 strings.) Yes, I play it when the song sounds good on it. It is more difficult to tune and play.


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