Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Party's Over

"The sky is falling!!" yelled Chicken Little!!!!

Do you remember the scare of "Y2K"  All the computers in the world were going to stop working; planes would fall from the sky; the Stock Market would crash.
"Stock up on food and water!!!" they warned.

Here we are, SEVENTEEN years later! (And, BTW, none of their predictions came true.  Everything was just fine. But didn't we all run around like Chicken Little?)

Who would have imagined that 17 years would fly by that fast!

And that is exactly what happened to 2017.
The Year flew by in a blur!!

Now that the year is kaput, what do I have to show for it?

UFO's completed in 2017

Nephew, Joseph's tee-shirt quilt.
Gifted at Thanksgiving, 2017.
Only two years after his graduation...don't judge.

Grandson's quilt.  While technically not totally completed, it IS at the LAQ and so still needs binding, but it is close enough.

Baby Sister's Wall Hanging
This cute, cute, cute little ditty made me chuckle and think of my baby sister... I do so miss her and my dad, who lives next door.

She opened it Christmas Morning and said she loves it :-)


New Projects started and completed in the same year!! 
(what a concept!)

Piggy Wall hanging in memory of my mom, Dona, and in honor of my quilting buddy, Aunt Nyla (mom's sister.)

Baby Quilt for my D-I-L's sister.  This was a last minute project that I put together while traveling for business.  The little family now in North Dakota...good thing I put minky on the back.

Pat Sloan's "Let's Go Sew" I made just for me, to hang in my sewing room.

Last, but not least, various and miscellaneous fun stuff.
Fabric Snowflakes; pillowcases; Flip & Stitch Wreath

Projects on the list for 2017 that will roll over to 2018
Splendid Sampler Quilt

Another sister's house warming quilt.  I had hoped to get it to her for Christmas.  Now I'm aiming for her birthday...July.

I'd like to say this is the only UFO on the list, but I don't want to start out the year telling a fib.


Happy New Year, Everyone!  May the new year bring you many happy hours in your sewing room.