Proverbs 16:18. And, I've been pretty proud of myself lately.
What a way to wrap up a month!!!
First the yard man whacked down my wild flower garden....his excuse?
"They looked like weeds to me..."
ARRRRGggggg! They had been there all summer and were just starting to bloom!!!
Then Phil, the groundhog, had a tasty snack last night!
That's It, Phil! You are no longer welcome in my yard!!!! (Truth be told, I was already shooing him out of the yard with the broom as I read on the internet they can carry fleas and ticks....ick...) I guess he showed me!
The coup de grâce...after working on this binding for two hours I discover the top edge didn't "catch" in the binding.
And, looking at it now, I should have trimmed it better.....
See....I told you the panel should have said "She Who Sews....Will also RIP." (BTW, black thread on a black background is the pits!) |
Little Miss Catalina |
Well, when life gives you lemons.....Go eat sushi!