Saturday, June 6, 2020

Back To Our Roots

Growing up in a large-ish family, a fun, cheap weekend-day would be a drive in the country.  
Especially if my dad was the parent-on-duty.

He would pile us all in the station wagon and off we would go.  One of the most-fun games we would play.... daddy would put the back seats down, we would put one of my great-grand mothers quilts down and we would all sit way in the back, way back by the back window.  Daddy would race up on a stop sign and slam on the breaks and we'd all zoom forward....hitting the back of the front seat!  We'd laugh and laugh  " it again...!!!! "  " it again...!!!! "

This past Saturday Miss Nancy and I took a drive in the country.  We headed out to the desert.

In the city of Palm Desert is a VERY nice shop, Monica's Quilt and Bead.

It is a very nice-size shop with a lot of fabrics and lots inspiration hanging on the walls.

 Miss Nancy purchased fabric for her current quilt.  She is going to add sashing to these blocks.

This is the rendition of Miss Nancy's quilt from Electric Quilt 8

I purchased fabric for one of the Christmas Quilts.

 My grandsons both play football....the oldest one L O V E S  the Oregon Ducks.

His goal is to play football for the University of Oregon.

We concluded our afternoon in Palm Desert with yummy fish tacos and then headed home.  
Road trips to the country are still fun.


  1. I must say I miss visiting quilt shops, Char! Glad you got to visit the one in Palm Desert. The ones in Portland are slowly starting to open. Also glad you survived those drives in the country LOL!

  2. It was a very pleasant drive out to Palm Desert. Nancy and I solved all the world's problems...just ask us! Our next outing will be Annie's in Escondido, not sure when that will be.


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