Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Getting Started Series: To Stash or Not To Stash

I follow several quilting-related Facebook pages and I see a lot of posts about buying fabric "for my stash."

So, should you stash?  If you have the room, the money and the desire--YES!  Else, No.

I have a couple "serious" quilter friends who have ROOMS filled with fabric.  They know what they have (mostly), where it is (generally) AND they actually use their fabric stash (some.)  I'm impressed.  (I'm not naming any names, but you know who you are...)

Impressive Organization

I am at that stage in life where I understand that when I graduate to heaven my son is going to back a dumpster up to the house and pitch everything in.  I am trying VERY hard to NOT buy fabric if I don't have an immediate use for matter how adorable or beautiful it might be.

My current stash consists of two hanging shoe organizers and I'm trying very hard to sew it up.

In the interest of full disclosure; this is only half.

There are some helpful blogs out on the internet if you are serious about building a stash.  Click HERE for one I liked.  As I read some of these blogs it occurred to me that I've never actually met anyone who built a stash by "formula."  It is usually by accident; "Oh Look!  I love it!  I must have it!"

The question of whether to Stash or Not To Stash is purely subjective.


  1. Hi Char. I'm enjoying your posts about Getting Started! Hope to see you on your next trip to PDX.

  2. Thanks, Dawn... it keeps me out of the bars.


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