Monday, March 14, 2016

Plugging Away

My grandson continues to work on his first quilt.

I posted his picture on a Facebook page, Singer Featherweight 221 & 222, because he is piecing this quilt on my 1951 Singer Featherweight, Miss Ellie.

He got such a kick out of the fact that 405 people (none of whom he even knows) liked this post.

In my heart of hearts I don't expect that he will continue to sew as he matures (especially after he discovers girls.)  But I get warm and fuzzy inside when I ponder the fact that he will remember this his whole life...hopefully with fondness (I do make him rip out wonky seams.)

Are you passing along the love of fabric and sewing?
Visit my Pinterest page
PS  G-ma helped with the long seams and getting everything lined up.


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