...That would be the quilt show vendor.... Isn't it fun perusing the booths and chatting up the proprietor, seeing all the gadgets that are supposed to make quilting faster and more fun.
This year's winner (well, maybe ... the jury is still out)....Sew Q Laser. HERE

I've tried using lasers a few different times in the past without much success. But, this time it looked soooo cool and easy during the demonstration I decided to try again. It is supposed to make creating half square triangles faster as you don't have to draw the center line.
In reality, setting it up at home took a while. My machine does not have a USB port so I had to move electrical cords and things around so I could plug it in the wall. A longer cord would have been helpful.
Next Step, you have to line everything up. Getting the little ball to line up was difficult. This was a big selling point in the demonstration....that the ball will swivel to what ever angle you need.
OK, but it was hard to get it to stick! Every time I used the thumb screw to secure it, it would move! It was aggravating.
I discovered that the angle of the cable was really important....don't go up and over the machine... securing the cable at a left angle worked better. At least for me. You'll need to experiment.
Their method: A template is included: The blue line is the quarter inch seam line. This is where you're supposed to line up the beam. The three videos that I did find on the internet show sewing right on the beam...I fail to see how this is helpful.

My method: I've used this for ages. I love it.*
Getting it to line up just so to get an accurate quarter inch was difficult.
I finally gave up trying to use the guide that came in the box...the quarter inch line was way more than a quarter inch. Instead, I used my own guide.
Of Course, it could be my machine and the needle placement.... ?????
There is precious little on the internet to help with any of this.
Maybe I'll upload something....
Practice, practice, practice...that is what it takes....finally discovering that you need to watch the beam at the lower corner to sew a straight line while making HST**...don't watch the beam at your foot.
I'm going to continue to practice and maybe I'll love it after a while.
I will say the laser beam is very bright and crisp and I really like that it does not run on batteries.
It wasn't too expensive, $75. But, it cost enough that I'm not ready to give up on it just yet.
This experience did finally cure me of "fancy gadget" syndrome, I think. They just don't seem to work as well when you get them home.
*You can get these seam guides at a very reasonable price at Fat Quarter Shop.
** Half Square Triangles