It's getting to be a delightful habit.... meeting in the Mezzanine Room to sit-n-sew...and chat...and eat...and sew.
Today we are working on Glorious Hexies... all hand work... For those who do not know what Hexies are...
English Paper Piecing (EPP).
Charlotte's very first GLORIOUS Hexie. Isn't she Glorious? Her name is "Carol."
(as a point of clarification, we are both named "Charlotte." Pictured above is Charlotte-from-the-East.)

I've done 3 so far, Dolores (Block 6)
and two Marena (Block 8.)
(You'll understand the names in a moment.)
Here is a picture of Hexies posted on Facebook. This person is actually keeping up with the Glorious Hexie "quilt-a-long."
Pretty Glorious, if you ask me.
The Quilting Auntie, Nyla, asked me how to get started. It is a bit of a process so I thought I'd write it all down so you, too, can make Glorious Hexies.
First, join the Facebook page for Glorious Hexies. Click

Next, buy the book "
The New Hexagon" You can get it at or
(I think it goes without saying, don't buy the Kindle version of this book.)
You will need some EPP papers (and for those of us who had some EPP papers already (Auntie) you can start with those.) I did get my EPP papers from It was a bit confusing trying to decide what I needed so I called them. The lady I spoke with was nice and VERY helpful. She suggested I start with the pack that has a enough papers for one of each block in the book. Good Idea. Click
HERE to see that package of papers.
The Glorious Hexie Quilt-A-Long is sponsored by There is a link on the website.
Click Here
If you want to participate in the Quilt-A-Long, they will send you papers every month to make three of each of the blocks in the book. That felt like a life-long commitment to me so I opted for the package of papers to make one-each. Click
HERE to see that package of papers. I did not buy the second little booklet. I may later... I did not buy the acrylic templates, a bit spendy for my budget. (Many of the truly GLORIOUS Hexies you will see on the Facebook site are made fussy cutting the fabric, including Charlotte's very first pictured above. If you are going to do a lot of fussy cutting, the acrylic templates might be a good option. (
Auntie, I have a different option for you.))

One word of warning with this package of papers.... when you get the papers...they are ALL JUMBLED UP. It's just a big pile of papers! Pour yourself a glass of wine, turn on your favorite trash TV and spend some time separating them. I put mine in snack-size sandwich bags I purchased from the Dollar Store.
As I start putting together the actual block, I use snack-size bags also and I mark them with a piece of painters tape with the block # and name. Oh, I almost forgot...all 52 blocks in the book have a girl's name.
One last tip....
We quilters have worked hard perfecting our quarter inch seams. This author suggests 3/8 inch seam allowance.
I poo-pooed that right away. Crow-eating time...quarter inch seams are a bit skimpy when doing EPP. EXCEPT when using the teeny tiny pieces.
OK. I think that is about it. Another excuse to get to your favorite quilt shop and stimulate the quilt economy. Then, book a flight to Fiji so you can spend some quality, uninterrupted time with your Glorious Hexies.
July 22, 2016: This just in...more GH information. (This is copied and pasted from the comments below, if you find this too small to read.)
Thank you, Wanda, for this information.
I was under the impression that was the sponsor of this quilt-a-long. But it is really Glorious Color! Their website IS very helpful. Click
AND, they have FABRIC and other quilting goodies.
More good reasons to get on board the Hexie train!