Monday, October 7, 2024

The Ties That Bind

There are certain things that connect us to other people:  family, work, church, hobbies, etc.  (Not necessarily in that order.)

I took a few days R & R and drove to Mustang, OK for a conference. About 1,200 miles, round trip.  


 This was a conference hosted by G3 Ministries* and it was about the doctrine of Cessationism.**

It was just what I needed.  Got to listen to and meet some of my favorite preachers, AND, when you are in an auditorium of about 1,000 other like-minded people, there are no strangers. 
You can make new, life-long friends. Talking with people sitting around me refreshed my soul.

Two of those people were Mark & Julie from Michigan.  They were too much Fun!  Not only do we have a common spiritual belief but they actually built their very own ukuleles!!

And, we were staying in the same hotel so you know we HAD to have an impromptu ukulele session in the lobby one night. 
We were a hit!  I should have brought my TIP jar!  Ukuleles bring people together! (Lisa, The Ukulele Fool says "Spreading the Ukulele Love." Find her on Facebook HERE. Also find her on Patreon HERE)

The conference ended mid-day on Saturday.  After a quick lunch at WhatABurger (in honor of my grandson, West, who thinks they are The Bomb) I went in search of a quilt shop. Had to get my fabric fix.  There is only one in Mustang,*** (Actually it is in Yukon, the town next door.)  Threads of Tradition. HERE  

Where I met Rockie!  She was such a delight!  Turns out we had more than just quilts in common.  We stood at the counter and chatted for the longest time...until her customers pulled her away.  She made my day!


The next morning, rising before the sun, I headed back home.  What to my wondering eyes did appear in Springfield, MO?   

If you need gas and it's want a Buc-ee's!!

* To know more about G3 Ministries, click HERE
** The gifts of the Spirit ceased when the Scriptures were complete.  Suffice it to say, it's complicated.
*** Mustang is a suburb of Oklahoma City, were there are several quilt shops.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Feed A Cold...

Starve a Fever.  What do you do if it's BOTH?


Covid put a crimp in my plans for about 5 days, 

Apparently Covid is still around...  I'd forgotten.




There are a few things I always keep handy for colds:  




That is all the medical advice for today.




 About the only thing I actually finished this past week was Wanda's Princess and the Pea.


I'm still practicing FMQ.





I think it is adorable!

And I sure miss my friend.

 Summer Soiree Blocks are sashed.  One block left over....not a very pretty block and not posted here.


But now the next decision....make two more blocks for a total of 12...or leave it at 9...decisions, decisions!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Small Wall Quilt with a Big Story




Long, Long Time Ago...(2019) ...
In a Land Far, Far Away .... (Calif) ...
I made a quilt for my great niece, Savannah.  

The Princess and the Pea HERE.  (Savannah is so grown up now, you would not recognize her!)  








 Anyway, I asked my dear friend, Wanda, to make a label for this quilt.  HERE and HERE

Being the creative person that she was,
she created this:

Well, it was too darn cute to plop on the back of a quilt, so I kept it. 
It's been thumb-tacked to my Studio wall all this time. 

It's time for a Big Finish with some FMQ.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

She Works Her Best ...

 ... when the sun is in the West. 

This was something my grandmother used to say... it means she fritters away the day and works like a mad woman doing her chores when the day is coming to an end.


I suppose the same can be said for the last quarter of the year...  Racing to the Finish Line in The Studio.

After Carolyn's and my field trip to Murray last week I have been more motivated.

First I made a small wall quilt with the cute, little panel I bought in Murray.  I used it to practice my FMQ*.  It's not show quality, but it'll pass.

Cheryl, the FMQ teacher from a couple months back (HERE) mentioned she learned by completing one small wall quilt a week for about 2 years.  Not sure I'll go that far, but I thought it was a good idea. And, it's a FINISH!!

Started sashing my Pat Sloan blocks.  Frankly, this part of Quilting is not my favorite.  I like piecing.
Assembling the actual quilt is kind of boring.  But, Let's keep the the finished product in mind.

I'm about half finished.  I hope to finish all the sashing this weekend.

Sashing, QAYG** Quilting, Binding ...My goal is to keep at it until it's DONE!


*FMQ:  Free Motion Quilting
**QAYG:  Quilt As You Go

Sunday, September 1, 2024

An Afternoon Out and About

 My KY-quilting friend, Carolyn, and I started our Labor Day Weekend with a field trip to the Murray Sewing Center.

Murray is a few miles down the road from Paducah.  We decided to take the trip because this nice store is closing....that's right...another one bites the dust!!  Brenda Freemen, the owner,  is retiring...mostly.*  (Retirement must be in the air.)

Carolyn and I decided to hit the road and see what we could score.

I am well past the age of buying fabric simply because I like, there must be a reason to buy it.  With that in mind,
I resurrected my blocks from the Pat Sloan's Summer Soiree BOM.  HERE

It seems like these blocks have been around forever, but this BOM is only 3 years old! 
Hardly even qualifies as a UFO!!


The Blocks on my design wall in the KY studio.

You may recall I pulled these out a few months back to practice my new QAYG** method  HERE. But that all stalled...frankly,
I was not sure what I wanted to do with the blocks so back in the cubby they went to cure for a few more months.

Nothing like a trip to the quilt shop...really, any quilt get the creative juices flowing.  Carolyn gave me some good ideas and now I'm ready to tackle these blocks and get them assembled into a quilt!!

Procured a batch of fat quarters and a bundle of tone-on-tone fat quarters to use as sashing. 
This will be my September project.

I'm kind of excited...half-way tempted to play hooky from church this morning and stay home to sew...

* Brenda will still be active at quilt shows and such.  She says she "...must touch fabric..."
**Quilt As You Go

Thursday, August 15, 2024



When I became a grandmother, it was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to me.  

Jumping on a plane, I flew from Portland to see this amazing little creation when he was about 2 weeks old. 
I held him for 10 hours straight (only giving him up for feeding and changing.)  

When I left their house that first day, covered with baby spit-up and pee....I was the happiest person alive. 

Here we are...18 years later.  I'm still a very happy and proud G-Ma.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

When I See August

...I think of Sunflowers.

One of my favorite flowers. So happy and Sunny!

Now that I am back in a house and have a garden, each spring when I plant Sunflowers...
this is what I envision... Big, Fat, Beautiful flowers.

This is my reality:

 I love seeing the deer in back of my house....but they are rude guests and eat my sunflowers!!! **

They'll probably have these down to the nubbins by the end of the week.




But they can't get the Sunflowers on my door! (MSQC Hat on a Cat)







These days my Friday evenings are divided between two live sessions:  Ukulele Zoom and
Cheryl Sleboda Whited of Muppins Sewing Emporium.

This past week she was introducing all kinds of new items in the shop, among them this fat quarter bundle.

This picture of the Fat Quarters does not do the fabric justice.  The colors are so vibrant.  I just HAD to have them....
My Sister's 32nd wedding anniversary is coming up so I made them a small gift

Quick and easy coasters. (Front and back) The perfect place for a sweaty glass of Sweet Tea
(there is a piece of batting on the inside.)
Find a YouTube video HERE.

In these last days of summer, it isn't too late to to accomplish something in the studio (she said to herself.)




UPDATE:  August  22, 2024  

Miracle upon miracles...I have a Sunflower! 
Shhhhhhh, don't say that too loud, the deer might here!



*Ukulele Zoom:  HERE 4 pm Pacific Time.  This group is open to all.  If you don't play the ukulele, now is a good time to start.
*Muppin's Live on YouTube:  HERE 5 pm Pacific Time

** I have a new plan for next year...I'm going to plant the Sunflowers with the Zinnias (incognito) in the flower bed nearest to the house.   
They don't seem to eat the Zinnias. See if that intimidates the deer a bit.  And, if least I'm feeding the wild life.