The first two weeks of March have been quite busy....
* My Birthday was such a pleasant day... Flowers from my son & his family....dinner out with my sister and her D.H. Such a nice day, I don't even mind adding another candle to my birthday cake.
(Anyone remember Sheriff John and the
Birthday song? HERE )
* Paducah Quilters Club meeting. Good turn out this month. We are doing something called "Fold it - Snip it - Rip It - Drop It - Pass it - Repeat 7 Times" It's a challenge. See the "How To" video HERE. It is an interesting concept....I'm not very good at thinking up interesting things for a challenge...stay tuned.
* Quilter's Day Out (March 15). Do you have a plan for supporting your local quilt shop?
Local quilt shops are becoming an endangered yours.
I will be making a visit to my current favorite shop ... Backyard Fabrics quilt shop in Mayfield. It's a bit of a drive, but so worth it. Here is their FB page.
And the frosting on the cupcake was a whole lotta sewing going on....
Making Progress on You're Invited and the three memory bears.
For the next few days I will focus on tidying up the studio and working on the memory bears.
The weather in Western Kentucky is so pleasant right now....I just MUST get out in the yard, also!!
The goal for the remainder of March is just to keep the momentum going!
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