Thursday, November 23, 2023

Give Thanks

We have our Thanksgiving Traditions....every year we say "I am Thankful for...." 
But how thankful are you, REALLY? 
Or how much do you take for granted?

The day after Thanksgiving, seven years ago all was well.  I spoke with my mom on the phone. (She and my dad lived in Kentucky near my sister and her family; I was in California.)  She talked on and on about my sister's family who were all in town and the food and her pies.  And like most daughters who hear the same every year, I only half listened....taking it all for granted that I would be hearing it again for many Thanksgivings to come.  

The VERY NEXT DAY, my mom passed into glory.  One minute she was fine, then next minute I was getting a call from my sister..."You better come right away...."


None of us is guaranteed tomorrow. We do not know the moment of our passing....but God Does.  Job 14:5   

Every person is a sinner....every person, there are no exceptions (Not even Billy Graham.) Romans 3:23

When we pass from this world, each person will stand before God and give an account for their life. 2 Corinthians 5:10.

A sinner cannot stand justified before a Holy God!  Romans 3:23 tells us this.   Because we are ALL sinners and we cannot save ourselves, what can we do?  Who can stand for us?  How can we be right before a Holy God?
Are we doomed to spend eternity in Hell?  

In God's mercy, He provided a way for sinful persons to stand justified before a Holy God.  John 3:16-18; John 14:6

Here is a podcast by Ray Comfort that is worth the listen.  Hell's Best Kept Secret.  

Don't take for granted that you have "lots of time" to make these decisions.  My mom did not know that that very night she would pass into glory.  Thankfully she was a Believer in Jesus Christ and when she left this imperfect world, she passed into heaven to stand justified before her Lord and worship at His feet.   Where she is to this day and for all eternity.

If you pass today, where will you be?  Worshiping at the feet of Jesus or in agony in Hell?  

It will be one or the other. 
There is a Hell:  Matthew 10:28; Matthew 13:42; Matthew 25:46; 2 Thessalonians 1:9
There is a Heaven:  Matthew 25:46; Philippians 1:21–24; Romans 1:16-17

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