Saturday, May 21, 2022

Making Friends



When you're school age, you make friends at school.



College age people meet up at The Library.
"Hey, Mom, I'm going to the library." (wink, wink)




Young moms make friends at the park or via sports their kids play.





But, when you're old and fairly new to a small town making friends is harder. So far I have one new quilting friend,
Carolyn, and she's on a business trip for the next 3 months.

Would you believe it? There is only ONE quilt guild in this quilt city? 
And it meets in the middle of the week, during the day....during my work hours....

So, we do what we can....I have my Ukulele Jam via Zoom every Friday night.  (fun bunch)

Another avenue for making friends...even if they are long-distance to join some sort of swap.



 I joined a pincushion swap sponsored by
The Sewing Loft.

HERE is a Facebook link...but hurry,
the deadline to join is fast approaching.


Who knows, perhaps there are other well-past-middle-age
women out there who are also looking for a friend. 

Maybe even in my town....on MYstreet!!!


  1. Hi Char. I think you will have no problem making friends in Paducah. I am surprised, though, that there is only one quilt shop! When I was there in 2017 (during the big show), there were several. Now I am wondering if they were pop-up shops!

    1. Not one "shop" ... only one "guild." However, there are not as many shops as there used to be. Certainly not as many as you would expect. Yes, during the quilt show, out of town shops will "pop up."


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