Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Back in the Saddle Again

Finally getting over whatever sickness I picked up in my travels (that cough hangs on FOREVER!).
I'm home for a month or so before I fly off to Kelowna later in August so I'm ready to get some serious sewing done!

I have two goals for the next month:

First I want to work with my grandson to get his quilt finished.  It was started A YEAR AGO!
Goodness.... I think it is officially a UFO.  Let's get 'er done!

He likes sewing on my 1951 Singer Featherweight, Miss Ellie.

This is what we have so far. A simple five inch squares. He picked out the fabrics himself from my "library."

It think it's about half finished.

My second goal is to get "The Piggies" done.
I have the Mezzanine room all set up and ready...

Too bad I still have to put in my 8-to-5 for the company..... I'd love to just sew, sew, sew.

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for you and your grandson! You are both making wonderful memories.


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