Not very long ago I visited a local graphic arts / printing studio to have the binding of a devotional book I use replaced with a comb binding (so it would lay flat.) While waiting Vanessa, the employee, and I got to visiting and I mentioned if she ever had any scraps of foam board they're going to toss, let me know.
Sure enough, I got a call a couple days ago....Why do I want scrap foam board? To make Design Boards.
Something I discovered a few years ago watching a
Lori Holt video all about making Design Boards. HERE
So, I made a few. Quick, useful project! But those original boards are starting to show their age. I could use some new ones.
HERE was my original post.
(These original design boards have been holding these pieces for three, THREE, years! See how they are bowed? And, Yes, these projects are on one of my UFO lists to hopefully be completed this year.)
NEW, good-sized boards and FREE!
I don't get too fancy...just glue down a piece of batting with dollar store glue to keep the quilt pieces from sliding around. Add some weight until the glue dries. I don't bother with edging or trying to make them pretty.
Viola !
Everything is together and if I need to move them aside for whatever reason ..... easy peasy!
And did I mention they were FREE ?
It was a total WIN, WIN, WIN.... no trash ended up in the landfill, I have something useful for my hobby, I made a new friend AND I saved money to boot! (The cherry on top....they only charged me $2 to put a new binding on my book....TWO dollars! Best bargain in town!)
A Shout-Out to Zebra Graphics....Thank You!