Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Winner, Winner

Not very long ago I visited a local graphic arts / printing studio to have the binding of a devotional book I use replaced with a comb binding (so it would lay flat.)  While waiting Vanessa,  the employee, and I got to visiting and I mentioned if she ever had any scraps of foam board they're going to toss, let me know.

Sure enough, I got a call a couple days ago....Why do I want scrap foam board?  To make Design  Boards.


Something I discovered a few years ago watching a 
Lori Holt video all about making Design Boards. HERE 

So, I made a few. Quick, useful project!  But those original boards are starting to show their age.   I could use some new ones. 
HERE was my original post.  

 (These original design boards have been holding these pieces for three, THREE, years!  See how they are bowed? And, Yes, these projects are on one of my UFO lists to hopefully be completed this year.)





NEW,  good-sized boards and FREE! 

I don't get too fancy...just glue down a piece of batting with dollar store glue to keep the quilt pieces from sliding around. Add some weight until the glue dries.  I don't bother with edging or trying to make them pretty.




Viola !


Everything is together and if I need to move them aside for whatever reason ..... easy peasy! 
And did I mention they were FREE ?

It was a total WIN, WIN, WIN.... no trash ended up in the landfill,  I have something useful for my hobby, I made a new friend AND I saved money to boot! (The cherry on top....they only charged me $2 to put a new binding on my book....TWO dollars!  Best bargain in town!)

A Shout-Out to Zebra Graphics....Thank You!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Lions and Tigers and Bears ....

 OR, my version...


But, no matter.... I have managed to make some progress on the 3-Yard Quilt.  I must say, the instructions are very clear and easy to follow.  I thought I'd pass this book along when this quilt was finished, but I may make is THAT easy.**




With the entire town shut down today due to icy, snowy streets, my goal is to get the top finished!



**This would be a good book to take on my car trip next summer.  You know when you're visiting quilt shops and you really, really want to buy fabric but you can't think of what you want to make? 
These 3-Yard quilts are a good choice.  (BTW, they give instructions for larger quilts, too.)

Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Place in the Sun

Question:  How many sewing machines do you have?

Recently, conversing with an acquaintance, the subject of sewing machines came up.  Specifically, the number of sewing machines a person NEEDS vs actually HAS.  She has over a hundred!!!  
She's a collector of old sewing machines.  


(This is a screen shot of a Wall of Sewing Machines;
a display in a store in New York City.


I actually understand WHY she would have so many .... when I see an older sewing machine, I just WANT it...
but obviously, unlike my acquaintance, I have self control....
(and no $$  and not much space).  So I have only five (5).




The machine that gets the most use is my favorite Janome.




This is Millie.  (As in "Thoroughly Modern*...")

Millie has been in the family since 2012.




This conversation  did get me to thinking....
Each machine has the right to SHINE! 
To Strut Their Stuff!
Their OWN Place in the Sun!


IDEA: I'm going to use a different machine for each new project..... 
I'm between projects now....
(stay tuned for a FINISHED project reveal.)


Next Up.... Fran!

Fran is a Singer Slant-O-Matic, also known as a "Rocketeer."

She originally resided at the home of Fran,  my sister's neighbor. 
Fran (the person) does not sew.  She has had this machine since she, Fran (the person),  was in High School, somewhere in the neighborhood of 1961. 

Fran (the person) gifted me Fran (the Rocketeer) a couple of years ago. While she, the Rocketeer, has been to the spa for rest and rejuvenation, I have not actually sewn with her.


So, Fran, let's see what you can do!

 * Thoroughly Modern Millie ... A 1967 musical HERE

Sunday, February 2, 2025

February is Brought to you By....

The Number 12 and the Letter "L" and the same Quarterly Project W1

February's UFOs.

APQ's  February number is 12.   The APQ number 12 is a BIG project...actually a fat quarter bundle and a cutting has even happened yet!  So, is it still a UFO?  I've always counted it a UFO if the fabric and the pattern have made a, yes, I guess it is.

BUT, since January's  Number 5 project is not completed, and it is an easy one, and February's Number 12 is a BIG one ...
I swapped the numbers.        PERFECT, Problem solved!   Moving On...

River's Edge  February's Letter is "L" and There is still the Quarterly Project, W1, which is the Bears.

But wait, January's Confetti Stars are not finished!  The "rule"  is:  If you're not finished with the previous month's UFO, you move on to the current month's project and go back later and pick up where you left off with the previous month ... it feels good that I've made progress, but it's still a UFO... 

"L" is a book I bought...I don't remember when I bought it...The Magic of 3-Yard Quilts.

And, somewhere along the way I matched this book up with fabric...
Which I also don't remember where or when I purchased this fabric. 
But I still like it, so that is a plus.

The pattern looks fast and easy ... I still like the fabric ...
All-in-all I think "L" UFO will be a win, Win, WIN !!!


Let the sewing commence.

 I'd  sure like to have a "FINISH" in February.