Every expectant mother gets to the stage toward the end of her 40 weeks where she just feels the need to get the nursery ready.
It's called "The Nesting Instinct."
I suppose the opposite is also true. At some point in our life we want to "De-nest." At least that seems to be the case for me.
I continue to clean out cupboards and drawers. And that includes sewing/crafting cupboards, too. Hard to believe, I know.
The goal was to tame the quilt/craft stuff.
BEFORE: Lots of scraps in plastic shoe boxes. Cut in various size squares. |
AFTER: I did keep the 5" squares. |
I knew I would NEVER sew up all these squares so I posted on Facebook asking if anyone wanted some scraps (the Scrappy Girls Club.)
I ran out of scraps before I got to the bottom of the "YES" list.
Ready to take to the P.O. |
BTW, the Scrappy Girls Club is a nice FB group.
This freed up space on the shelf for all the junk on my work table and in the storage cabinet that was full-to-over-flowing with little crafty doo-dads and such. The cabinet has been purged also, with a big zip-loc bag going to the thrift store.
Before |
After |
My Quilting-Auntie would roll over in her grave if she knew I actually got rid of my scraps.
That was the first quilting rule she taught me .... "Keep everything, you never know when you will need it."
But, after 10 years or so of quilting I've learned that scraps have their own ecosystem and will never totally be gone.
Like a sourdough bread starter!
(I better keep those plastic shoe boxes.
But, then again, they are only $1 at the dollar store.)
Nyla Stoughton 1932 - 2019 - Jewels of the Universe |