Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house.... everyone was pooped and a bit befuddled....(where's my coffee...)
Did a Facetime with the nephew and his family last night and everyone was happy and impressed with all the hard work put into their Christmas quilts. (If you've been following this blog... you've read about these quilts 'ad nauseam.' Just look back a few posts.)
It warmed the cockles of my heart. The year I spent making these quilts...and praying for the recipients... it made me so happy that they liked them. And, really, isn't that why we do this? Because the receivers of our labors of love, while they don't REALLY know the time, energy and money that went into the quilt, they DO recognize that it was a labor of love.
I so Love you guys.....
My Auntie....the one who got me hooked on quilting, has been struggling this year with health issues... but, she also got into the "quilt-giving" game....she made this quilt for my daughter, Ana.
Isn't it pretty?! Ana cried when she opened it.
Auntie, thank you for teaching me the art of quilting and the art of giving our most precious gift, our love, to those we cherish. You'll never know what you did for me when you taught me to quilt.
Now to start planning the quilts for Christmas 2016.... I have a really big family.... who will it be???
Ya'll better start being nicer to me.... ha ha!